Also known as a liquidity pool (LP), is a mechanism in cryptocurrency markets where tokens are stored in a smart contract for the purpose of providing liquidity to a market.
It is a digital register whose entries are grouped into "blocks", concatenated in chronological order, and whose integrity is guaranteed by the use of cryptography, selected from time to time by the Company at its discretion.
Condition Report AEC
it is a document generated by AEC on the basis of comparisons of different 3d files of the same UVI that documents any differences.
It is a difference found in the AEC Condition Report between two 3D Scans of the same Work (by way of example, as a result of deterioration, damage, restoration)
Represents the process by which AEC proceeds, through a determined process, to the creation of NFTMicroTM
Rappresenta un mercato digitale per lo scambio di NFTMicroTM attraverso operazioni di compravendita
Liquidity is a measure of the ease at which an asset is able to be converted to another asset without affecting its price. The lower the liquidity, the higher the price impact will be. In simple terms, liquidity describes how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold.
Payment Provider Fee
These are the fees applied by payment providers for payment by credit card and transfers to current accounts.
Conversion fee
These are the fees applied by the providers that carry out the Fiat to Crypto currency conversion and vice versa.
AEC Transaction Fee
It is the fee automatically applied for each resale of NFTMicroTM on the secondary market destined for AEC
Client Transaction Fee
It is the fee automatically applied for each resale of NFTMicroTM on the secondary market intended for the Client.
Marketplace transaction fee
It is the fee automatically applied for each resale of NFTMicroTM on the secondary market destined for the marketplace on which the transaction was concluded “3D File” is the digital result of a 3D Scan.
Virtual Unique Image or UVI
They are a digital representation of a Work (a file) generated by the acquisition process of AEC's 3D images and which contains all the information to uniquely and in an unchangeable way represent a specific work, saved on the Blockchain.
AEC Marketplace
Represents a marketplace managed by AEC.
Marketplace Partner
Represents a marketplace managed by third parties who have signed an agreement with AEC.
It represents a digital market where NFTMicro™ supply and demand meet
Primary Market
This is the AerariumChain marketplace or other chosen by the Company among its partners on which the Client sells his NFTMicro™.
Secondary Market
This is any market on which Purchasers of issued NFTMicroTM can place their purchased NFTMicroTMs for sale.
NFT (non-fungible token)
On the blockchain it is a non-fungible token, that is a special type of cryptographic token that represents something unique; the non-fungible tokens are therefore not mutually interchangeable.
Indicates the set of cryptographic tokens generated by the Company on the basis of a single UVI, which are homogeneous and fungible.
AEC reserve
The AEC Reserve is the set of NFTMicroTM owned by AEC, which is formed through the Quota to operate on the market.
It represents the level of accuracy of a 3D Scan, measured in fractions of a millimeter, and depends on the properties of the scanner.
The scanner is the tool with which a 3D scan is performed, which is chosen from time to time by the Company.
AEC Monitoring Service
This is a process carried out through the AEC App and other tools aimed at comparing different scans of the same Work. The process elaborates a 3D model from a specific algorithm that highlights any differences identified between two Scans, making it available to the Customer also in the form of an AEC Condition Report.
Smart Contract
It is a self-executing contract by the Blockchain itself with the terms of the agreement between the buyer and seller written directly in lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist through the Blockchain.
UVI Rating This
It is a synthetic evaluation indicator to define the quality of the information that contribute to the generation of the UVI; The UVI Rating is generated by the Company, but not modifiable by the same, through algorithms, parameters of the 3D File and by all the relevant aspects of the 3D Scanning including the quality of the subsequent 3D Scans of a Work, which it will make available to the Client number [●] of Scanners and will provide a training course for correct scanning procedures for [●] days to the personnel selected by the Customer. The course will be delivered on site agreed with the Customer, for a total of [●] hours, in working days and in a time between [●] and [●] hours that will be communicated by the Company to the Customer.
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